Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mother in Laws - How to Begin to Improve Your Relationship With Her

You have a rotten relation with your mother in law. You say yes and she says no. You say now and she says later. Whenever you meet there is friction and tension and after she leaves you have this feeling of guilt in the pit of your stomach. Your going mad but you don't know what to do. Where should you begin?

Do you want to hear my humble and unsolicited advice: START ANYWHERE! DO ANYTHING! If you keep it up long enough things will improve.


Did you ever hear of the "butterfly effect" (scientifically know as: sensitive dependence on initial conditions)? It simply means that since everything in this world is interconnected, any little change (like a butterfly flapping his wing in China) will eventually cause great changes (like a tornado in Texas).

This is one of the reasons why it is so hard to forecast the weather even a few weeks in advance. A little unexplainable wind coming in from the north causes such a chain reaction of events that eventually the original weather forecast is totally void.

Human relationships in general, family relationships specifically, and mother in law relationships even more specifically are not any less complex than the weather. A myriad of contradictory emotions; love, hate, envy, closeness all are bottled up in all the family members competing to rule. When the family members come together....!@#$%^%$#@)

Therefore the the most effective way that I know to better family relationships is:

1. Read some books or articles about or "Google" "bad family relationships" and choose one small idea that you think you can implement (for instance, call your mother in law up once a week to talk about something that interests HER, ask her some advice (even if you have no intention of following it, or send her a small present).

2. Watch her reaction. If you see even the slightest improvement in her attitude towards you , then keep it up. If not, try something else.

In short, to improve your relationship with your mother in law, try something small, keep it up, and eventually you'll see great changes!

Mother in Laws - How to Begin to Improve Your Relationship With Her


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