Monday, August 15, 2011

Well Water Purification - Discover Why You Need to Purify Your Well Water

Are you considering a well water purification system? Many people have installed them as years of pollution has contaminated most wells. The days of a well being a pure, healthy source of water are long gone.

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Everything that enters our drains, pollutes our air, and runs off from farms and manufacturing facilities eventually makes its way to our water supply. Well water is not immune to this. In fact, there's a very good chance your well water has chemicals in it that can lead to serious diseases.


Another reason you should have a well water purification system is to remove any chlorine you've added to your well to kill bacteria. Chlorine has been proven to increase the risk of getting cancer and heart disease. A carbon filter will remove 99.9% of chlorine and other toxic chemicals from your well water.

Okay, so you know you need to purify your water. But what are your options?

There are basically three different types of water purifiers that can be installed to clean your water. There's a whole house system, under the sink filters, or filters that attach to a shower head.

The systems that are installed on the water piping that enters your home are known as whole house water filters. These are very popular because it purifies all of your tap water. You 'll be drinking, cooking, and showering in chemical free water. Adding filters to kitchen faucets is very common. You can install an under the sink filter that is small, easy to install, and inexpensive to buy.

Filtering your shower water may not have been a thought before reading this article. However, it should be considered. Your body will absorb as much water in a ten minute shower as drinking a couple of quarts of water. So, all the chemicals in your shower water get absorbed into your body.

In conclusion, a well water purification system is a must these days. It's a simple way to ensure your water is safe and healthy for you and your family.

Well Water Purification - Discover Why You Need to Purify Your Well Water


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