Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Breaking the Ice at a Christian Cell Group

Cell groups do not have to be strictly serious learning. Of course, people go to cell groups to learn and to grow in their relationship with Jesus. But many also go to develop relationships with other members. So if you are leading a cell group and are noticing some hesitation and some resistance between members to share with one another and develop relationships with one another, there are some ice breakers you can do at the beginning of the meeting to help get the ball rolling.

A great, easy ice breaker is the game "If I were a..." This game is great because members do not have to get up and walk around to play it. Everyone takes turns saying something silly about themselves. "If I were a movie I would be an action-adventure movie because my life is full of nonstop action." Or, "If I were a cake I would be an upside down pineapple cake, because sometimes my life is pretty upside down." Start the game yourself, and go around the room so that everyone gets a chance to say something silly. A few laughs can liven up any meeting and encourage people to share more than they would have previously.


Another great ice breaker is "Who am I?" Everyone writes a name of a famous person a sticky note. That sticky note is then placed on another person's forehead, so that the person wearing the sticky note does not know what it says. Every person then takes turns asking the group yes or no questions about the name on their sticky note to figure out what it says. The first person to guess wins. A more simple way of breaking the ice is having everyone go around the room and introduce themselves, but instead of saying just their name and where they are from, they have to name one of their favorite things.

When choosing ice breakers for you group, keep in mind that most people do not go to small groups to then have to get up and walk around. Try to choose a game or some other ice breaker that involves the least amount of having to move around. Games that allow members to stay in their chairs are the best. Ice breakers are great for new groups, or other groups that may have been having trouble connecting with one another. A big part of any small group is the building of friendships between members. Members are encouraged to share at small groups so that they can receive support and prayer from other members. But, if the ice has never been broken, it can be especially hard for people to share or connect with others.

Breaking the Ice at a Christian Cell Group


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